Monday, February 15, 2010

the first doggie voyage of the jupiter-2

planing is underway, at starfleet command ,to a very brave group of dogs and humans blast off in a very long space rescue mission of the star ship federation spaceship voyager ,which is diappeared 70,000 light years into the delta quadrant, captain jean luc picard and Lt,commander riker were visitng the human-doggie run space center, they asked to use and fly in the jupiter-2 space ship, since it was able to find its way to the planet ,earth, from being lost in space so long, the robinson family sold the jupiter -2 space ship to rich doggies named lizzie and peanut for $7billion dollars in cash.
captain jean luc picard asked the head doggie-human space command named cherry harrison and her sneaky doggie aids lizzie and peanuts the dogs, to spend up another joint human-doggie rescue mission on board space ship, becasuse all star fleet command and everyone is very busy chasing strange looking alien named lady gaga is on the planet,earth, startfleet command asked cherry harrison, to spend up the jupiter-2 space ship for a very long space journey from the planet's earth solar system, to resecue and bring back the missing long over starship named voyager, lost in the delta quadrant, to make sure its crew ,is brought home safely to the planet earth solar system and brought to the nearest federaastion starbase for a debrifeing.
startfleet command human and doggie workers led by Lt,Commander data, will fit the jupiter-2 space with warp drive and fit phasers on it, as its other weapons, that will need to defind itself in its very long journey in space.

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